Reef tank complete 105 gallon
Tank is being torn down. Livestock, corals, and a few rocks are in an ice chest right now.
The Kessil lights in the picture are not available.
- 105-gallon rimless low-iron tank
- 48” wide x 24” deep x 21” high
- Black wood stand
- Sump Trigger 34
- Eshopps skimmer
- Current USA 36” LED bars x 2
- Jebao return pump
- Red Mandarin
- Maroon Clown
- Blue-green Chromis x 2
- Yasha Goby (if you can find him!)
- Skunk Cleaner Shrimp x 2
- Emerald Crab x 2 (only saw one recently)
- Hermit Crabs
- Trochus Snails
- Nassarius Snails
- Pincushin Urchin
Corals (all very small)
- Green Star Polyp
- Green Palys (I think, or maybe Zoas)
- Zoas x 2
- Xenia
- Favites
- Gorgonian
- Kenya Tree Leather
- Montipora x 2
- Ricordea
- Rock
- Aragonite Sand Special Grade
- Chaeto
- Salt mix 50lb
Well-established ecosystem: Purple coralline algae encrusting in many places. Fan worms, sponges, spaghetti worms, tons of copepods and amphipods. Saw one Aiptasia when emptying it (got rid of it, obviously). Probably have bristleworms but haven’t ever seen any.